Sara Figueiredo Costa studied Literature and Linguistics at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Nova University of Lisbon, where she earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
Since 2002, she has been a freelance journalist, primarily writing about cultural topics. She is a resident critic at Expresso, where she writes about comics and illustration. In the magazine Blimunda, she contributes monthly with reports, interviews, and literary criticism.
She is the editor of the literary supplement “Parágrafo,” published by the newspaper Ponto Final. She has sporadic collaborations with other publications, from Revista Macau to the ACERT magazine in Tondela. She engages in various other activities both within and outside of journalism, from exhibitions to books, including working with letterpress typography and community readings. She recently published the book “Tondela – Caderno de Viagens” with Zé Tavares, by Edições Afrontamento.