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Su Blackwell graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2003 and is a well-known artist working predominantly within the realm of paper. Using a scalpel she cuts and glues the pages of books to create miniature dioramas glowing with lights in wood and glass boxes, like Victorian relics found in a museum of intrigue. Su Blackwell finds her books – or rather lets them find her – by trawling through second-hand book shops. She always reads the book first and this in turn inspires the work. Her work can be found in Museum Collections around the world, including the V&A and National Museum Cardiff. 

Su’s illustrated book of fairy tales ‘The Fairytale Princess’, published by Thames & Hudson was released in 2015 and her illustrations have contributed to regular columns in ‘Intelligent Life Magazine’ and ‘Harper’s Bazaar UK’. She has also turned her hand to art-direction for commercials, for clients such as Volvo and Disney, and to set-design for the Rose Theatre, under the direction of Stephen Unwin.  

Su Blackwell

Su Blackwell graduated from the Royal College of Art in 2003 and is a well-known artist working predominantly within the realm of paper. Using a scalpel she cuts and glues the pages of books to create miniature dioramas glowing with lights in wood and glass boxes, like Victorian relics found in a museum of intrigue. Su Blackwell finds her books – or rather lets them find her – by trawling through second-hand book shops. She always reads the book first and this in turn inspires the work. Her work can be found in Museum Collections around the world, including the V&A and National Museum Cardiff. 

Su’s illustrated book of fairy tales ‘The Fairytale Princess’, published by Thames & Hudson was released in 2015 and her illustrations have contributed to regular columns in ‘Intelligent Life Magazine’ and ‘Harper’s Bazaar UK’. She has also turned her hand to art-direction for commercials, for clients such as Volvo and Disney, and to set-design for the Rose Theatre, under the direction of Stephen Unwin.  

06 September 2024 - 12:15